Take a Break Between Your Training Session!

Friday, December 4, 2015

Give it a rest!

When we want to establish the ideal body, we started to practice fitness. Our goals vary, somebody want to lose weight, and others are building muscle. But a problem arises, we tend to want to get results as quick as possible. We think that the harder we exercise then our goal will be more quickly achieved. Is that true?

As with many aspects of our lives, something that excess is not always good. Likewise with exercise, work harder will not give the best results and even increase the risk of accidents.

When practicing, we give stress to our muscles. Super small tears in the muscle will occur, and when we rest, our body will repair these tears and muscle in your body will be strong. This process will be repeated continuously, and we will approach the goal of our practice. Therefore, complete rest and nutrition as important as the exercise itself.

Always rest our muscles at least 1 x 24 hours. But it's doesn't mean that today we practice the chest, tomorrow we are not allowed to practice his back. The meaning is the same muscle, should not be trained constantly because of a torn muscle that will not have a chance to repair. For example, we do a full body exercise training in 1x, then no more than 3x a week.

But if we practice hard, one body part per session, then we should set the pattern for our practice. For example, Monday we train chest, legs on Tuesday, Wednesday shoulders and back, chest back Friday. Well an example like this means we train the chest, and give him a break for a few days.

This method is used by people who already know and have practiced very hard so that their bodies require a longer break. Even for some pro bodybuilder, they rest their muscles for 5 days just starting training again.

Not that 5-day training once, but with a pattern as I described above, they provide a fairly long distances in order to repair the muscle is really the maximum.

Many beginners who do not know this, and they think that by practicing more severe and more often will make their bodies quickly so. TRAIN SMARTER NOT HARDER!

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